Thursday, May 28, 2009

Oranges & other treats...

The other day Eric was eating an orange and Sierra was begging for some (as usual-she always wants any and everything that we're eating) so we let her try it out.

Then he decided it would be a good idea to let her try some licorice.

If you ever want a kiss from her, eat something and then go in for a kiss. You may think she's kissing you, but really she's just hoping for some food (birdie style).

Later that night we went to Rita's for some delicious frozen custard and italian ice. We both let her try some of our treats.

I tried to be really good about not giving her sugar in the beginning but with a serious sugar addict for a father she really has no hope.


Mindy Williams said...

I hear ya...Rachel is addicted to Diet Coke, I think! And it isn't my fault at all. I just turn the other way when she has it! Oops! Don't report me, but oh well. Sierra is headed that same direction too! :) She is too cute. When you said Rita's, my mouth started to water. Yum.

Sommer said...

I love the one of her smiling after she has the orange, so funny!

The Pierce Family said...

Those are some cute, cute pictures. We were really good with keeping the sweets from Savannah when she was little but then didn't really care by the time Xander and Noah came around. The only thing I'm still adamant on is soda. It's pretty much inevitable with the goodies.

The Bedke Fam said...

i love the orange pucker. lol. and the birdie style feeding. hilarious!