Standing! (this is what happens to a diaper in the water haha)
Standing! (this is what happens to a diaper in the water haha)
Then he decided it would be a good idea to let her try some licorice.
If you ever want a kiss from her, eat something and then go in for a kiss. You may think she's kissing you, but really she's just hoping for some food (birdie style).
I tried to be really good about not giving her sugar in the beginning but with a serious sugar addict for a father she really has no hope.
Do not let this innocent face deceive you
The last few days I've been reading tons of reviews and looking at every high chair on the market. But it's so hard to decide! There is one that I'm leaning towards but I'm not completely sold on it just yet.
So I decided to turn to my blog and ask all of you experienced mothers what high chair(s) you've used and if you love them or hate them or know someone who loves theirs.
Please help! I need some advice!
Today I got some pics and videos of Sierra doing one of her favorite things-pulling everything out of her dresser...in her bathing suit. hahaha I wanted to see if it fit her. She is funny. Here they are:
Well Eric just got home from work and took Sierra out to run some errands so that I can relax for a little while. What a great husband! So I am getting off of this.