Friday, May 29, 2009

Play Date

On Thursday Sierra had her first play date! We went over to Katie and Lily's to swim and play with toys. When we got there my camera battery died after one picture, I was so mad! But luckily Katie came through and took some pics for me. She didn't send me any of Lily though so it may look like Sierra was on her own, but she wasn't I swear! lol (Katie-you need to send me some of Lily! haha)
I wasn't sure how she'd do in the somewhat cold water, but she loved being in the pool playing with the toys! Hopefully she likes our pool that we paid for this summer (i'll probably experiemnt with that tomorrow).
Sierra stood for the longest by herself that she ever has there (like 30 seconds). Lily is 2 months older than Sierra so I think that she was getting envious and wanting to walk like Lily (all in good time). They were cute together. Here are some pics! (what is with all the brackets in this post?)

The only picture I got with my camera (pretty sweet, huh?)

Standing! (this is what happens to a diaper in the water haha)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Oranges & other treats...

The other day Eric was eating an orange and Sierra was begging for some (as usual-she always wants any and everything that we're eating) so we let her try it out.

Then he decided it would be a good idea to let her try some licorice.

If you ever want a kiss from her, eat something and then go in for a kiss. You may think she's kissing you, but really she's just hoping for some food (birdie style).

Later that night we went to Rita's for some delicious frozen custard and italian ice. We both let her try some of our treats.

I tried to be really good about not giving her sugar in the beginning but with a serious sugar addict for a father she really has no hope.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A High Chair

Up to this point we've been using a bumbo seat with the tray for a highchair. It's getting to the point where our little rascal tries to climb out of it and flips the tray off when she's eating.

Do not let this innocent face deceive you

The last few days I've been reading tons of reviews and looking at every high chair on the market. But it's so hard to decide! There is one that I'm leaning towards but I'm not completely sold on it just yet.
So I decided to turn to my blog and ask all of you experienced mothers what high chair(s) you've used and if you love them or hate them or know someone who loves theirs.
Please help! I need some advice!

1 yr, 7 months and 2 weeks later...

I finally went to the gym to work out again. The day I found out I was pregnant with Sierra was my excuse to not work out anymore. haha
I've had a membership for 7 1/2 months but I haven't gone until now-pathetic I know.
My motivation-swimsuit season of course!
It was wonderful and terrible. Eric's parent's watched Sierra so that Eric could show me around the gym and it felt good to work out again. But the pain afterwards is not fun. I am so sore!
I have to thank Eric for never saying anything about me going those 7 months that he was paying for two memberships while only one person was going. I love you honey!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I have been in a blogging rut lately! Also I haven't really been taking many pictures. We've had stuff going on, but I guess I've just been lazy.
Mother's day was really good. Eric & Sierra got me some yoga pants from Victoria's Secret Pink and a shirt from Buckle which I love! Who doesn't like getting new clothes? Eric, his dad and brothers made Mother's day dinner and dessert for us which was cute and really good.
Tuesday we celebrated Eric's dad's birthday. We watched idol, opened presents and had cake. I actually did get a few cute shots of Sierra sleeping on her Grandpa and with me but they're on Erics mom's camera. I also weighed her while we were there and she weighs 16 lbs 4 oz according to their scale.
Other than that we've just kind of been hanging around the house. I attempted to trim our over grown bush (that has recently turned into a big white blossom) yesterday and cut the extension cord in half which was so annoying because I was waiting until Sierra went down for her nap to do it and then 5 minutes in I couldn't do anymore. So I had to wait until she woke up to go get a new cord and then wait again for another nap to finally get it done. Plus the bush looks hideous because I had to cut off a lot of the flowers to get it off of our step! But at least it's not taking over anymore. lol I also did some weeding with Eric's winter gloves on which was pretty sweet. haha I guess I better invest in some gardening tools now that we have a lawn.


Today I got some pics and videos of Sierra doing one of her favorite things-pulling everything out of her her bathing suit. hahaha I wanted to see if it fit her. She is funny. Here they are:

had to cut that one off and save her from the closing

Trying on her vest

Well Eric just got home from work and took Sierra out to run some errands so that I can relax for a little while. What a great husband! So I am getting off of this.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

10 down 2 to go...

Sierra is 10 months old today!!! Where has the time gone? No 10 month old check up so I may have to do the old weigh myself and then weigh myself holding Sierra trick. Which will not take place until I go to someone's house who has a scale since we currently do not. things about Sierra this month:
-She is starting to stand pretty good by herself. Still only for a few seconds, but she is getting more stable by the day.
-She is a MAJOR big time rascal. She gets into everything, onto everything and around everything and is fast and thinks it's funny.
-She loves to scatter anything. Her favorites: cards, cds, cookie cutters (the plastic kind not the sharp metal ones)
-She makes all kinds of noises and if you make them to her first she will copy you. So cute.
-If she's doing something she knows she's not supposed to she'll keep looking back at us and then smile. (climbing the stairs, pushing the buttons on daddy's receiver)
-She hates peas, cottage cheese and basically anything that's not sweet. Living by grandparents and having a daddy who has a serious sweet tooth has tainted her.
-She has decided that she's scared of loud noises all of a sudden (the vacuum, the blender, the drill) and gets hysterical when they come on.
-She's scared of touching the grass
-She has 7 teeth
-She's a massive mommy's girl and starts hyper ventilating when i enter the room.
-shes funny, wild, fearless and i love her to pieces!

Monday, May 4, 2009

I am in love...

with these tasty little morsels: