Our little baby girl was born on July 6th 2008 at 8:24pm, weighing 7 lbs 3.4 oz and was 19 & 3/4 inch long. She is the cutest thing I have ever seen and we're so glad she's ours! We can't get enough of her. Here are some pictures of the crazy day...
We went into the hospital at 6:30 am but didn't actually get started until 8ish. Eric's parents and brother and my mom were in the room the whole time until the 'pushing' began and then Eric and the mom's stayed. They loved it. The whole thing lasted 11 hrs which apparently isn't too bad for your first birth but lets just say it was pretty brutal folks. But of course all worth it.
She's soo adorable Hilary and I can't beliee how normal you and especially your hair look after labour. I was such a sweaty/frizzy mess after!!! How is she sleeping?? I swear Jack didn't sleep at all the first week atleast not for more than 20 minutes in a row. I thought I was going to die!!!
ahhh! She's so darling and so little! Congrats Hilary and Eric! I didn't know Sierra was the name. It's such a pretty name!!
Congratulations Hilary!! Sierra is SO cute!!! :) And you look amazing. Have so much fun with her :)
WOW!!!! LOVE IT HIL! I am so excited for you two! Getting any sleep? She is beautiful. Can't wait to see more pictures!
Hil and Eric, She is ADORABLE. I know, I know, I am way behind but I have to go to the library to email. Maybe one day I'll get back to my own abandoned blog. Boo hoo. Anyway, she is fabulous and we hope to meet her one day! Hope you are getting some rest and I was a bit jealous to see Dr. Art in the picture. That sucks that I didn't get to finish the pregnancy with him! You guys look WAY too good to have just had a baby, by the way. Love ya!
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